If you own an Apple iPod Touch you’re already familiar with the MP3 player’s touch-sensitive screen, which allows you to navigate easily between functions. You launch and control apps and player functions by directly touching the screen and tapping on the colorful app icons you see there.

The touch screen is all-important in using your iPod Touch, so it’s important to take care of the screen to make sure that your iPod functions well. The screen is durable, but not infallible, so it’s a good idea to consider strategies that will help prevent any harm coming to the screen.

In general, you’ll want to prevent scratches, nicks, gouges and cracks to the screen, which could render the screen unusable. It’s also good to eliminate fingerprints on the screen as much as possible, since they make it harder to see what’s on-screen.

Cleaning the screen isn’t much different than getting rid of smudges from eyeglasses or sunglasses lenses. Use a soft, lint-free cloth – preferably one that is designed for cleaning delicate lenses that won’t create any scratches when you use it.

When cleaning, first turn off the iPod Touch. As a cleaning agent, try a glass cleaner that contains no ammonia, and wipe the screen gently in circular motions to get rid of fingerprints and dust that might accumulate there. You can also purchase special cleaner designed for cleaning iPod screens at your local computer store, or at stores that sell MP3 players. That way you’ll be sure that the mixture is ammonia free.

You must be sure that the screen is bone dry before you turn your iPod Touch back on. You can use a hair dryer to make it dry more quickly, but be sure to turn off the dryer’s heating function before you begin and simply use cool air to dry up water droplets.

Once you’ve cleaned the screen you can apply a plastic layer of protective film to the screen, known as an iPod Touch screen protector. The plastic film is designed to protect the touch screen from direct physical contact with fingers or objects that might mar the surface. If it’s a good touch screen protector you’ll notice that the screen will remain sensitive to your touch and won’t reduce your ability to control the device.

You can buy reusable screen protectors at the store where you purchased your iPod Touch. It’s also a good idea to buy an iPod case to protect the body of the device.

An iPod touch case will help absorb and diffuse shocks to the device’s body if it is dropped or bumped, and will help stave off scratches and nicks, too. You can find cases in a number of cool designs and colors. With all the styles you’ll have to choose from, you’re not just protecting your iPod Touch, you’re also making a fashion statement.

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