You’re under deadline, the project seems to be holding up and then you get a phone call. One of the project stakeholders has left, and a huge portion of work he was responsible for is now left undone. Do you panic?

Time is Money

Deadlines aren’t arbitrary. A great deal of project planning goes into determining which tasks can be completed by what periods in time. Deadlines also typically relate to one another, so work might be held up if a related task was never completed. If those tasks remain incomplete, it could start affecting other operations. For example, inspection of materials which might be the linchpin action for a permit you need.

In short, these aren’t decisions you want to sit on for too long. The problem is that well-trained staff are hard to come by.

Hiring interim short term management services solves most of those problems. These crews take on the role of the missing stakeholder, and make sure the work is completed under deadline. They are knowledgeable and dependable, but they have to be brought up to speed. They specialize in assessing a project and making decisions based on experience.

Final Thoughts

If you happen to lose a manager due to illness, death or a dispute, you don’t need to kill the project. You won’t even have to stall during private mediation, if you can find the right crew to take the place of the one you lost. Your work can pick up right where you left off when you rely on interim management services.

Bio: Lyle Charles Consulting specializes in short-term management, structural steel expertise, expert witness testimony and general consulting for commercial construction projects. Contact Lyle Charles to learn more.