Technology continues to evolve and expand every single day.  We no longer live in the age when we had to stay next to the wall in order to use a laptop or other types of electrical equipment.  There are many options today that allow for greater freedom with technology such as solar chargers and portable battery packs.  Essentially, no matter where you are, you can use personal electronic devices with these portable packs.

In order to charge a battery pack, it’s crucial to have an original power source.  The power source creates power storage and eventually power use.  These nifty battery packs can actually easily store energy so that you can use your electronic device in the great outdoors or while mobile, such as on a plane or train.  These systems are also easily recharged.

There are a variety of choices when it comes to power sources that can be used to charge up a power storage unit with ground power.  You can use AC power (a wall outlet), a 12V DC (car charger), a USB (any source: wall, car, or computer), a solar panel, kinetic motion or hydrogen fuel cell.

One option is to use solar energy packs.  Solar energy works well to charge all different types of devices.   There are a few choices when it comes to solar chargers.  There are some solar energy chargers that only have panels (rigid or semi-flexible), panels with integrated storage batters, or panels with independent storage batteries.

One of the most important factors when choosing the right solar panel is to select one based on size.  For example, bigger solar panels have the ability to accumulate sunlight faster.  Therefore, larger panels can help battery power to convert energy in a more efficient manner.  Smaller panels tend to take longer to charge.  Solar panels chargers take between 4 to 16 hours to charge.  Solar panels are measured in watts which help to determine the amount of electricity generated.

Solar energy often stores battery efficiently, but it’s not typically a good idea to charge electronic devices directly.  This is because these power sources don’t always have the appropriate circuitry which is what controls the flow of electricity into the electronic device.  Unfortunately, these power sources can actually lead to device damage.  In order to avoid these issues, you should always check the manufacturer’s guidelines before using a product with a specific type of charger.

Other elements to pay attention to when choosing the right charger are the storage capacity, the power output and the battery technology.


Guest post is provided by Start Pac, a top distributor of portable power supplies such as the ground power unit.  For more information, check out their website.