The Alaskan waters are famed as being one of the world’s greatest tour sites. Persons coming to Alaska can enjoy a number of activities and have a glimpse of the renowned Stikine River, which originates from the Spatsizi Plateau and flows in a northward arc up to the Southeastern part of Alaska. It is considered an international river because it cuts across two countries. The Stikine River offers numerous attractions and pastime activities that visitors can engage in. These include water sports and bird watching. Visitors arriving in Alaska in between April and May stand a chance of partaking in the annual Stikine River Garnet Festival that takes place in Alaska.

Additionally, visitors coming to Australia can visit Petersburg Alaska and get to sample some of the best attraction it has to offer. The most visited attractions in Petersburg include the visitors’ information center, the whale song cruises, the Tongass Kayak Adventures, Kaleidoscope Cruises, and Stikine-LeConte Wilderness. Tourists visiting the information center will have an opportunity of learning about the history of the city of Petersburg and of the renowned Tongass Forest, which is located within the boundaries of the city. The other attractions are ideal for those who would like to take a sea ride and see the picturesque glacial features.