Bringing technology into your retail store can be a very scary thing.  Retail stores are usually not all that profitable in a sense that they have a lot of expendable income, unless they are wildly successful.  There are ways you can improve technology though such as adding a credit card machine that will not completely kill the savings of the business.

Credit cards have the big benefit of being able to increase sales and in turn increase your net profits in a major way.  When you consider credit cards, you can immediately take into account the fact that they will allow just about anyone to shop from your store.  Credit cards are the most popular way in this day and age to make a purchase.  By being able to accept and process credit cards, you are going to be able to open yourself up to a large increase in sales.  This increase in sales is going to in-turn drive up revenues and will also help you in terms of keeping accounting costs down, as there will be less cash to actually handle.  With this in mind, the credit card processing fee expenses will be far outweighed by the benefits of increased cash flow, new incoming revenue, and higher net profits all around.

When you have the ability to accept credit cards you will be able to do things such as processing credit cards online.  Companies such as Payment Solutions, Inc. can get you set up to accept credit cards in no time.